Hello, I'm Malik

I am a full stack web developer specialized in building and maintaining beautiful and accessible websites using various technologies.

About Me

Web Developer

An enthusiastic web developer with more than 2 years of professional experience building websites that are accessible and search engine optimized with various technologies and tools like ReactJs, Redux, NextJs, VueJs and others.

Mobile Developer

I recently started looking into mobile development and prepared a plant to start learn mobile development starting with a popular cross-platform framework and working may way to build a real mobile applications with advanced features.


As someone working the tech industry and always learning new things and improving my skills on a daily-basis.
I am also open to learn new technologies and techniques that help improve the general development experience for me and my team as well.

Download My CV


SpaceX Clone

An clone of SpaceX website

  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • CSS
  • SpaceX Clone
    SpaceX Clone


    A concept website for a resturant

  • NextJs
  • TypeScript
  • SQL
  • Eatly

    Loop Studios

    A part of a frontend mentor UI challenge. A concept landing page for a company called Loop Studios with a beautiful and responsive user interface

  • JavaScript
  • CSS
  • HTML
  • Loop Studios
    Loop Studios

    Space Tourism

    A part of a frontend mentor UI challenge. A concept of a futuristic website that allow people to book a flight into space

  • JavaScript
  • CSS
  • VueJs
  • Space Tourism
    Space Tourism

    Bordering Country

    A part of a frontend mentor UI challenge. A website where users can lookup for a country to see some information about it in addition to its bordering countries

  • VueJs
  • JavaScript
  • CSS
  • Bordering Country
    Bordering Country

    IP Address Tracker

    A part of a frontend mentor UI challenge. The website uses external API to make a lookup for the geolocation of a specific IP address and display it on a map.

  • JavaScript
  • CSS
  • HTML
  • IP Address Tracker
    IP Address Tracker
